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anointing of the sickの例文


  • They could have performed the rite of the anointing of the sick.
  • He received the Anointing of the Sick on the following 10 April.
  • Anointing of the sick is called the " Sacred Mystery of Unction ".
  • Anointing of the sick and tithing are practiced as well.
  • The boy received the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick from a Catholic priest.
  • Anointing of the sick, prayers with those who are seriously ill, would be invalid.
  • Fearing for his life, he wrote his will and received the Anointing of the Sick.
  • Without having to fear death by illness, the condemned cannot partake Anointing of the sick.
  • Anointing of the sick was a customary practice in many civilizations, including among the Jewish communities.
  • He received the Anointing of the Sick ( formerly known as " Last Rites " ).
  • The high church wing of the American services which included praying over and anointing of the sick.
  • The 39 Articles the Anglican Communion and the matrimony, holy orders and anointing of the sick ".
  • The sacraments are baptism, confirmation, the most holy Eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, holy orders and marriage.
  • Father Rojas was thereupon able to administer to her the anointing of the sick and Viaticum before she died.
  • Other Roman Catholic sources speculated that the renowned caregiver rather received the rite of the anointing of the sick.
  • After Murphy suffered the brain hemorrhage, " I was able to celebrate the anointing of the sick with him,"
  • According to the New Testament, he and his Apostles went about curing the sick and anointing of the sick.
  • He moved between the dead and the living, attending each through the Catholic rite called the Anointing of the Sick.
  • Only bishops and priests can administer the sacraments of the Eucharist, Reconciliation ( Penance ) and Anointing of the Sick.
  • Of the Last Rites, only a priest or bishop can administer the Sacraments of Penance and Anointing of the Sick.
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